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COADF (album and singles) around the World Charts

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Guest Hafo

COADF current positions

Italic certifications are estimates.

Position - Country (Cert - Hard Sales)


13 - Canada (4P - 395K)

16 - Denmark (2P)

21 - Hungary (P)

23 - Italy (4P - 375K)

25 - Belgium/Flanders (P)

40 - Belgium/Wallony (P)

43 - Netherlands (P)

50 - Australia (2P)

55 - Germany (3G - 450K)

55 - Spain (2P - 220K)

56 - France (2P - 630K)

58 - Estonia

59 - Austria (P)

68 - Switzerland (2P)

112 - UK (4P - 1.1M)

135 - USA (P - 1.5M)

143 - Japan (P - 388K)

36 - World/Media Traffic (8P - 7.3M)

50 - Europe (3P - 3.8M)

If a country is not mentioned, it's not charting in the official charts there. Canada is the only country in which it hasn't left the Top 20. In Hungary, Denmark and Italy, it hasn't left the Top 30.

Guest Hafo

These are the singles' current/latest positions in official charts :)

Hung Up

5 - Canada

46 - Greece

56 - Switzerland

75 - Czech Republic (air)

98 - United Kingdom


10 - Hungary

13 - Portugal (air)

21 - Czech Republic (air)

29 - Italy

32 - Romania (air)

34 - Greece

34 - Ukraine (air)

54 - Switzerland

62 - Austria

76 - Russia (air)

84 - France

104 - United Kingdom

Get Together

1 - Spain

2 - Hungary

2 - Italy

6 - Finland

8 - Ukraine

10 - Estonia (air)

13 - Slovakia (air)

17 - Netherlands (Top 40)

19 - Sweden

18 - Australia

22 - Belgium/Flanders

24 - Czech Republic (air)

26 - Switzerland

26 - France

33 - Belgium/Wallony

120 - United Kingdom


COADF for week 24 / 2006 12 - 18 june



#2 (1w)......Argentina............NC (+20.000)

#1 (1w)......Australia.............2 x Platinum (140.000)

#1 (1w)......Austria...............Platinum (30.000)

#1 (5w)......Belgium..............Platinum (50.000)

#1 (1w)......Brazil.................Gold (50.000)..............................+100.000

#1 (1w)......Canada..............4 x Platinum (400.000)...............+395.000

#2 (5w)......Colombia............Platinum (20.000)

#1 (12w)....Cyprus...............2 x Platinum (10.000)...................+12.000

#2 (1w)......Czech Republic...Gold (5.000)

#1 (1w)......Denmark............2 x Platinum (80.000)

#1 (4w)......Finland...............Platinum (30.000).........................+50.000

#1 (3w)......France................2 x Platinum (600.000)...............+629.000

#1 (2w)......Germany............3 x Gold (300,000).......................+500.000

#1 (10w)....Greece...............2 x Platinum (40.000)....................+50.000

#1 (1w)......Hong Kong.........2 x Platinum (40.000)....................+50.000

#1 (1w)......Hungary.............Platinum (20.000)..........................+30.000

#3 (1w)......Ireland...............4 x Platinum (60.000)

#1..............Israel..................Platinum (40.000)..........................+55.000

#1 (1w)......Italy...................4 x Platinum (320.000).................+350.000

#1 (1w)......Mexico................Platinum (100.000)......................+105.000

#1 (2w)......Japan.................Platinum (250.000).......................+388.000

#5 (1w)......New Zealand......Platinum (15.000)

#1 (2w)......Netherlands........Platinum (80.000)

#1 (4w)......Norway...............Platinum (40.000)

#1 (1w)......Philippines..........Gold (15.000)

#1 (1w)......Poland................Gold (20.000)................................+25.000

#1 (3w)......Portugal..............2 x Platinum (40.000)

#1..............Russia+Ukraine...NC (+180.000)

#1..............Singapore...........Platinum (15.000)..........................+20.000

#4 (1w)......Slovakia.............Gold (2.500)

..................South Africa.......Gold (25.000)

#3 (4w)......South Korea.......NC (+10.000)

#1 (1w)......Spain..................2 x Platinum (160.000).................+200.000

#1 (1w)......Sweden..............2 x Platinum (120.000)

#1 (2w)......Switzerland........2 x Platinum (80.000)

#1 (1w)......Taiwan...............Platinum (30.000)

#1 (1w)......Thailand.............Platinum (40.000)

...................Venezuela..........Gold (10.000)

#1 (1w)......Uruguay.............NC................................................


#1 (2w)......UK......................3 x Platinum (900.000)................+1.111.000

#1 (1w)......USA....................Platinum (1.000.000)...................+1.496.000

Total:.......................................... 7,8 - 8 mln

40 countries #1



Other peaks

Chile #1 (1w), Ecuador #3 (1w), Estonia #1 (3w), Faroe Islands #1, Iceland #23, Japan (compr.) #5, Lebanon #1, Malaysia #8, Paraguay#8, Peru #1 (1w), Serbia & Montenegro #1, Turkey #1, Ukraine #1

Europe #1 (5w)

World Charts

Media Traffic (United World Chart, 23 countries): 7.288.000

Hit Lists: 8.044.200

Hung Up



Australia.............Platinum (70,000)

Austria...............Gold (15,000)

Belgium..............Gold (15,000)








Sweden..............2xPlatinum (40,000)

Switzerland.........Gold (20,000)

UK......................Gold (400,000)......................................................+423,000

USA....................Gold (500,000)....+41,000............668,322...........+710,000



28 countries #1 (sales, official airplay or mixed chart)


Australia #4 (1w)

Austria #8 (2w)

Belgium (F) #8 (2w) (W) #4 (1w)

Denmark #3 (3w)

Finland #3 (1w)

France #5 (1w)

Germany #5 (1w)

Greece #1 (1w)

Hungary #1 (3w)

Ireland #5 (2w)

Italy #1 (3w)

Japan (Int.) #2 (1w)

Poland 30 Ton Lista (mixed) #1 (4w)

Netherlands #2 (1w)

New Zealand #12

Norway #2 (1w)

Spain #1 (1w)

Sweden #7 (1w)

Switzerland #4 (2w)

UK #1 (1w)

USA (Single Sales) #1 (1w)

USA (Hot 100) #58 (1w)

Eurochart Hot 100 (Sales) #1 (4w)


Albania Top 20 Radio Chart #1 (4w)

Argentina (Metropolitano) #3 (1w)

Argentina (Top40) #1 (2w)

Austria #1 (2w)

Belgium #1 (8w)

Brazil (Hot100) #9 (2w)

Bulgaria (BG Top100 Airplays) #1 (4w)

Canada #7 (1w)

Chile #5 (4w)

Colombia #12

Croatia #1 (7w)

Czech Republic (Radio Top50) #2 (4w)

Cyprus Super Power Top10 #1 (1w)

Denmark #1 (1w)

Estonia #1 (8w)

Faroe Islands #8

Finland #1 (7w)

France #8 (1w)

Germany #1 (4w)

Grecce #5 (1w)

Hungary #1 (4w)

India Top10 go International #1 (2w)

Ireland #1 (5w)

Israel #1 (3w)

Italy #1 (2w)

Japan #24

Latvia #5 (2w)

Mexico #19

Netherlands #3 (1w)

Norway #1 (2w)

Portugal #3 (3w)

Romania #1 (3w)

Russia #4 (4w)

Slovakia #1 (11w)

Slovenia #2 (1w)

Spain #1 (2w)

Sweden #1 (6w)

Switzerland #1 (1w)

Ukraine #1 (6w)

Uruguay #1 (2w)

UK #1 (5w)


Nielsen Europe Top5 #1 (7w)

Charly Euro Top100 #1 (10w)

Top Latino #1 (3w)


Belarus (Radio Unistar 99.5) #1 (5w)

Croatia (Radio Otvoreni) #1 (2w)

Lebanon (Top20 Radio One) #1

Lithuania (Radio M-1) #1 (5w)

Malta Bay FM Top 40 Radio Chart #1 (2w)

Russia (Moscow Top100) #1 (2w)

South Africa (Five FM) #1

Sri Lanka (Yes FM) #1

Venezuela's Latin Pop Airplay #1

Yugoslavia (100 Plus Top 10 Radio) #1


TRL #1 (8days)


Australia Top40 #10

Canada Digital Top10 Songs #2 (1w)

Denmark #3 (1w)

France Top20 Downloads #3 (2w)

Germany Top20 Downloads #2 (1w)

Italy Top50 Singles Sales & Downloads (Musica & Dischi) #1 (7w)

Netherlands Top50 Downloads #6 (1w)

Sweden Top20 Downloads #5 (1w)

Switzerland Top20 Downloads #3 (2w)

UK Top40 Downloads #2 (2w)

USA #56 (1w)

Europe Top20 Digital Tracks #1 (2w)

Dance/Club Play/Sales

Australia Top50 Club Play #11 (2w)

Australia Top20 Dance Single Sales #3 (4w)

Belgium Top30 Dance Play #4

Brazil Top40 Dance Play #7

Czech Republic Top30 Dance Play #6

Finland Top40 Dance Play #1 (2w)

France Top50 Club Play #35

Denmark Top50 Dance Play #1 (1w)

Germany Top40 Dance Play #1 (6w)

Hungary Top40 Dance Play #1 (6w)

Ireland Top40 Dance Sales #1 (5w)

Norway Top40 Dance Play #1 (7w)

Scandinavia Top40 Dance Play #1 (12w)

Sweden Top40 Dance Play #1 (7w)

USA Hot Dance Club Play #1 (2w)

Yugoslavia Top40 Dance Play #1 (4w)

United World Chart

#1 (7w)


Hung Up Archievements

41 countries #1 (sales, official airplay or mixed chart)

Single Sales

#1 (19 countries):

Australia (1w), Austria (6w), Belgium (Flanders) (3w), Belgium (Wallony) (9w), Canada (15w), Denmark (1w), Finland (2w), France (Snep) (5w), Germany (9w), Hungary (12w), Italy (14w), Japan (Int.) (1w), Netherlands (4w), Norway (5w), Poland (30 Ton Lista mixed) (6w), Spain (9w), Sweden (5w), Switzerland (7w), UK (3w), USA (only sales) (5w)

Europe #1 (12w)

not #1:

Greece (Greek & International Acts) #2 (5w), Ireland #2 (3w), Mexico #4, New Zeland (mixed) #2 (1w)


Hot 100 Singles #7, Pop 100 #7


Nielsen Music Control, official airplay charts:

#1 (37 countries):

Argentina (Top40) (2w), Austria (Nielsen) (4w), Brazil (Hot100) (1w), Belgium (Nielsen) (8w), Bulgaria (7w), Canada (The Hits) (4w), Chile (Top100) (1w), Croatia (8w), Cypus (Cypriot Top 10) (1w), Czech Republic (Radio Top 50) (4w), Denmark (Nielsen) (1w), Estonia (8w), Finland (Nielsen)(6w), France (Nielsen)(1w), Georgia (2w), Germany (Nielsen) (7w), Hungary (Radio Top40) (13w), India (Go International Top 10 Radio Chart), Ireland (Nielsen) (6w), Israel (8w), Italy (Nielsen) (6w), Latvia (Airplay Top40) (4w), Luxembourg, Mexico (Los40) (3w), Norway (Nielsen) (8w), Poland (10w), Portugal (Nielsen) (2w), Romania (9w), Russia (Tophits) (5w), Slovakia (5w), Slovenia (7w), Spain (11w), Sweden (Nielsen) (8w), Switzerland (Nielsen) (10w), Turkey, Ukraine (10w), UK (Nielsen) (8w)

Europe #1 (12w)

Latin America #1 (8w)

other charts with #1:

Austria Airplay Ö3 (6w), Finland Rumba 50 Hits (9w), France Airplay Snep (2w), Spain Los 40 (7w)

not #1:

Colombia #5, Greece #2 (Nielsen) (3w), Netherlands #3 (3w), Peru #4


Dance Radio Airplay #1 (8w), Hot Video Clip Tracks #1 (1w), Adult Top 40 #16 (3w), Top 40 Mainstream #17 (2w), Pop 100 Airplay #22, Latin Pop Airplay #28, Hot 100 Airplay #42

Radio #1's

Belarus 99.5 (2w)

Brazil (RadioBrasil Top100) (1w),

Croatia Otroveni (4w)

Cyprus Super Power (5w)

Greece Star FM (2w)

Hong Kong Metro Showbiz international chart (1w)

Hong Kong 903 (2w)

Iraq (1w)

Italy Top40 Airplay Musica & Dischi (5w)

Japan Tokio Hot100 (11w)

Japan Osakan Top100 (3w)

Lebanon Radio One Top20 (6w)

Lithuania Radio M-1 (8w)

Lithuania Radio Laluna (7w)

Malaysia (Hitz fm) (4w),

Macedonia (City Radio 94.7)

Netherlands Mega50 (7w)

Netherlands Top40 (7w)

Russia Moscow Top100 (11w)

Singapore 987 Top10 (1w)

South Africa 94.7fm (1w)

Sweden Top 40 Sincence Play (11w)

Switzerland Viva Airplay (2w)

Thailand 102.5 (1w)

Ukraine Gala Radio (8w)

Yugoslavia Topfm (4w)

Video #1's

TRL #1 (11w) Retired at #1 after 50 weeks :!:

MTV Asia (2w)

MTV Germany Top10 (1w)

MTV Poland Top20 (2w)

U.K. Yahoo! Music Top100 Videos (5w)

Canada Much Music (1w)

Euro Top20 #1 (8w)

Digital #1's

France (Snep) Downloads(16w)

Germany Top20 Downloads(10w)

Italy Top50 Singles Sales & Downloads (Musica & Dischi) (14w)

Netherlands Planet Download Top50 (5w)

Sweden Top20 Downloads (1w)

Switzerland Top20 Downloads by Viva (8w)

UK Top40 Downloads (7w)


Hot Digital Songs (2w)

Hot Digital Tracks Album Version (1w)


Top20 Euro Digital Tracks (Album Version) (9w)

Itunes: #1 everywhere!

Dance/Club Play, Dance Sales

#1 (14 countries):

Australia Top20 Dance Singles Sales (9w)

Belgium Ultratop 30 Dance (3w)

Brazil Top40 Dance Play (2w)

Czech Republic Top30 Dance Play (4w)

Denmark Top50 Dance Play (6w)

Finland Top40 Dance Play (10w)

Germany Top40 Dance Play (7w)

Greece Top30 Dance Radio1 (9w)

Hungary Top40 Dance Play (12w)

Ireland Top 10 Dance Singles Sales (9w)

Norway Top40 Dance Play (12w)

Scandinavia Top40 Dance Play (11w)

Sweden Top40 Dance Play (11w)

Yugoslavia Top40 Dance Play (3w)

UK Top 40 Dance Singles Sales (4w)


Hot Dance Music Club Play (4w)

Hot Dance Airplay (8w)

Hot Dance Singles Sales (12w)

not #1:

Australia Top50 Club Play #6

France Top50 Club Play #2 (3w)

Guest kangarooz

Been ages since I was on here and I had to register again, but too confussing to explain, But really want Get together to be number 1 in UK! xx

Guest Xanthium

Just reading all that info is amazing. She really IS the Queen of Pop still after all these years.


Just realized that the 7/8 Eurocharts weren't posted; Billboard.com still has the 7/1 charts up as the current ones.

Guest Hafo
Italy - Get Together down to #3 in singles.

Still no word of this week's Eurochart singles- the 7/8 albums chart shows up in an archive search (but the 7/1 chart still shows on the main page); but the 7/8 singles chart doesn't show up in any archive search. Hmmm...

Guest Xanthium

Anybody know how much COADF sold this week on the World Chart?

Guest Beautiful Stranger

Media Traffic:

#16(8) Madonna - I'm Going To Tell You A Secret

Warner Bros. - 80.000

19(27) Get Together-Madonna 96.000

Guest powerofgoodbye
Media Traffic:

#16(8) Madonna - I'm Going To Tell You A Secret

Warner Bros. - 80.000

19(27) Get Together-Madonna 96.000

Sorry this week @ #22 (From #19) with 87,000pts. Total now is 5,112,000 and jump up #54 in all time chart.

Guest powerofgoodbye

Madonna in Japan Sales this week.

[147](143)Confessions On A Dancefloor -Madonna(1,327)[389,387]

Next week ticket go on sales to public on 7/11 should be helping a bit?

Guest boytoyville

I bet Confessions jumps back on the chart with Get Together rising in Ariplay in Europe and the tour about to hit there and all... I'm sure when all is said in done it will have shipped 10 million worlwide at least. Thats not all that far away from Music's Tally and much better then the world tallies of Bedtime Stories, and Erotica which I consider to be successful albums.

Guest powerofgoodbye

Oricon International Album 2005/12/05`2006/07/10 (Over 100K)

(rank,overall rank, total, weekly, title, artist)

01 19 *,425,938 ***,*** Curtain Call:The Hits EMINEM 2005/12/02

02 22 *,388,635 ***,737 Amarantine Enya 2005/11/23

03 23 *,362,112 *14,684 Daniel Powter Daniel Powter 2006/03/08(—A2005/09/10) Total:362,671

04 24 *,336,324 **1,327 Confessions On A Dance Floor Madonna 2005/11/16 Total:389,387

05 25 *,298,213 *12,804 STADIUM ARCADIUM Red Hot Chili Peppers 2006/05/10

06 27 *,288,775 **6,271 Back To Bedlam James Blunt 2005/12/07

07 35 *,211,416 **1,055 #1's Destiny's Child 2005/10/26 Total:576,554

08 41 *,174,164 **3,533 In My Own Words Ne-Yo 2006/03/01

09 53 *,136,800 **4,772 A GIRL LIKE ME Rihanna 2006/04/19

10 54 *,134,865 **1,597 Celtic Woman Celtic Woman 2006/02/01

11 60 *,121,397 ***,*** Addicted Sweetbox 2006/03/01

12 73 *,100,454 **1,110 Whatever People Say I Am, That's What I'm Not Arctic Monkeys 2006/01/25


7/15 Eurocharts

* Albums: COADF holds at No. 50, 33rd week

* Singles: GT moves 26-19, 3rd week

Both COADF and GT are charting in 13 territories (out of 18 used to compile the Eurochart).


so COADF is out of the TOP 40... one week of sales that won't reflect in its total right?


I hope the album cracks 10 mill worldwide by the year's end.


GT reached #1 in Belgium's airplay and is also #1 this week on radio charts in Belarus and Hong Kong.

Saleswise, it's piss poor everywhere :p

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