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CARDIFF - August 23 - FAN Reports, Pics, Videos

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The Sticky & Sweet Cardiff Gig (Aug 23) Thread, Who, Where and What

ARE YOU READY? :D Can't believe it's only 48 hours to go!

I am arriving on Saturday early morning. Anyone going to the gig on Saturday has ADVICE on WHERE TO GO for pre-gig lunch and drinks?

I can't find anything online - it'd be nice to hit a pub that plays Madonna songs as a warm-up :confessions:

Probably we can use this thread to post our EXPERIENCES and WHATNOT if moderators agree.



Oh I'm *so* ENVIOUS - I haven't been to an opening night since TGS.

Still, I'm looking forward to the new Wembley Stadium - I've never accepted the notiion that arenas are the best venue for her shows.


They are offering hotel + ticket packages now in Ticketmaster. Althoug I think I read it's 3-star accommodation the Lord knows where.


what time is everyone getting to the stadium? feel free to have a drink with me and my boyfriend :smile: not sure where we'll head off to afterwards, i know i'll be buzzing with excitement before and after the gig!


I'll be in the stadium at 6 pm!

But haven't been able to find any info about good bars in Cardiff for some pre-pints :confused:


if i drink too much before and during the gig i may need the toilet! and i know i won't want to miss a moment!! i'm sure there will be a few places banging out the madonna songs all day saturday, i guess i'll just wonder about and see what's up


I'm getting the train there on Saturday PM, around lunchtime.

I'm in Gold Circle.

Anyone who wants to meet up do PM me!



Oh well. Something will come up I'm sure - I doubt the pubs will be packed anyway.


someone know how many tickets has been sold for this first date ?

Guest Little Red

You'll hear M music coming out of a fair amount of places, that's what it was like for the CT. People keep mentioning the Kings X pub. went there last time for a bit but was way too crowded.

Info on some parties is on MTribe news posted today or yesterday.


Front row


This us her fun heavily dance and guitar playing tour!

best performances

Vogue: heavily hip hop dance orientated

She's not me: dancers dressed up as previous madonna looks in which madonna goes and rip the outfits off the dancers

She's sings a few verses of express yourself and then said "fuck that shit".

Have a ton of photos to post but am shattered!


C'mon Boogie, u gottahave more than that! :)

How was the old chestnut "Borderline"? Hopefully it has some of the familiar music to go along with the reinvention.


Well, I was there tonight at the opening night of the tour, and all I can say is this: she keeps surprising me all the time. Beautiful, strong voice in some sections, (especially when she sang ''You Must Love Me''). Then there was ''Like a Prayer'' that everyone in the audience loved. Very dancey. Then there was the beautiful, exotic gypsy theme with the Romanian dancers, and she did ''Borderline'' like I never expected. With a guitar and rockin' it out, same with ''Hung Up'. All I can say is, it was a show to remember, a great experience.


Great! So Re "Borderline"- it was totally her on guitar? I thought cause it's in the old-school section that there'd be some dancing and all- can you tell it's "Borderline" at least? :) I'm thinking of "Holiday" on RIT- it was a new neat, but there were elements of the original tossed in there. I'm glad it's not a slowed-down rendition, as we've seen enough covers like that over the last few years.

That classic intro just HAS to be in the performance!

She's sings a few verses of express yourself and then said "fuck that shit".



Yeah, ''Borderline'' is a rock version of the song and is her totally on the guitar rocking it out. It wasn't what I expected, but I was pleasantly surprised, HolidayGuy. You'll enjoy the show. ;)


Hmmm.... *wonders if I should listen to any forthcoming audio leaks* I'm still not sure if I'm going to attend this tour- when time gets close to the date, guess I'll make the final decision then. I did say I would def. go if she did "Borderline," so I have that in mind. :gent:


One press article said it's a "darker, heavy metal rendition"- that scares me a little. I need more description, DW. :) The original is such a sunny-type track- am I gonna enjoy this rendition or what? If the classic intro is there, I imagine it's done with a guitar, which would be cool. is the music radically different, or is it true to the original, just rock-sounding? Help a poor lad out, thanks. :)

I don't know where to start...

...the screens were amazing and the circular one that dropped to the Catwalk was just beyond...good choice Madonna.

Candy Shop Opening was better then expected, the video was great...very cool.

The Beat Goes On was so camp and awesome...the crown loved the car it was an AMAZING performace.

HN went down really really well and sounded fantastic...OMG Borderline was just WOW the crown loved it and sang back...i could not imagine Borderline sang in any other way. The Britney thing was slick for HN.

Vogue for me was a HIGHLIHGT soooo perfect for today ppl were just amazed and she did Vogue it was cool.

She's Not Me...is my personal fav WOW WOW WOW i was going mental!!!

Devil was cool...loved the rain effect.

Like A Prayer was a crowd pleaser...Music was FAB it didnt go doen nowhere near as a i expected...i dont know what peoples views were?!

ROL was fun but very Confessions. Hung Up the crowd Loved.

You Must Love Me was the most beautifal thing i had ever heard i cried and so where people around me...i wont be surprised if this isnt the best tour ballad performance for Madonna.

4 Minutes was perfect.

..Spanish Lesson was great...honestly it fit perfectky and her dancing was great she worked the Catwalk and this got the crowd shaking!

LIB was Immense!!!!

Honesly all in all a fun packed slick show that just confirmed Madonna's relevence today as the queen of pop!!

SLICK, Perfect and i know this wont go down well but this is the best Madonna tour to date.



Well, I was there tonight at the opening night of the tour, and all I can say is this: she keeps surprising me all the time. Beautiful, strong voice and full of depth and soul in some sections, (especially when she sang ''You Must Love Me'') it almost brought me to tears. Then there was ''Like a Prayer'' that everyone raved about, and it was pretty good. She put a whole new spin on the song. Very well thought out show. Very diverse. Then there was the beautiful, exotic gypsy theme with the Romanian dancers, terrific stuff, and she did ''Borderline'' like I never expected. Guitar in hand and rockin' it out, same with ''Hung Up'. All I can say is, it was a show to remember, and what an experience.

great :thumbsup::thumbsup:

Guest FrozenLight

Was it sold out or did it look like it was relatively full (like 90% full). Or were they many sections that were not filled? We keep on hearing between 40,000 but others say 60,000

Guest boytoyville

^ I think they only released around 40,000 tix. WE will have to wait until the boxscore comes in.

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