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Status Replies posted by acko

  1. acko

    acko    Nikki

    Wat is jouw top 3

    1. acko


      Waar stond je eigenlijk in Antwerpen...? Wij hadden een toffe groep mensen rond ons... Heel internationaal... Tussen hoofdpodium en catwalk... En dan de tweede avond in tribune 116 net achter de VIPS... 🙈

    2. (See 7 other replies to this status update)

  2. acko

    acko    Nikki

    Wat is jouw top 3

    1. acko


      We hebben dezelfde smaak dan. FF Paradise LTT en DW 

    2. (See 7 other replies to this status update)

  3. acko

    acko    Nikki

    Wat is jouw top 3

  4. acko

    acko    Nikki

    Bij de Tijdloze op STuBru zijn ze ook goed. 'David Bowie vond zichzelf talloze keren heruit, er zijn er maar weinigen die dat kunnen...Fleetwood Mac en Roxy Music deden het ook. Hier hoor je hem in een nummer geproducet door Nile Rodgers van Chic.' :rolleyes: Ok StuBRu doe je best om niet Madonna te zeggen :chuckle:

    1. acko


      hahaha ja...maar het was gewoon zo krampachtig 'niets over Madonna zeggen' dat ik het moest laten weten....

    2. (See 2 other replies to this status update)

  5. pithy

    pithy    acko

    If I had, it would've been about the latest Hazell Dean release on Energise Records. But I can take a hint. *ceases all ankle-to-cankle operations* *does surgery on entire personality instead*

    1. acko


      Hahahaha I'm teasing u hussy

  6. peter

    peter    acko

    That “year later” thread ... whew! Everything you wrote, I was feeling and the “that’s your costume” reference — can’t tell you how many times I said things to co-workers with that inflection. I know we do ToD a lot around here, but ... it *really* increased in the cluster that was 2020. (And 2021 has not been an improvement yet...)

    I love you — just want you to know that. :kiss2:I know I’m like a nobody, so whatever, but I hope it encourages you as you pursue a new venture, because it speaks to your complete ability to excel at it and really engage students in a meaningful way. If you can connect with anonymous internet loser, how much more so in real life with your charming personality and considerable talents. You’re gonna be so awesome at this. I wish I could be in the House of Acko. Not younger than you, but I feel I would learn much from you and your wisdom. Thanks for sharing on here.  xo

    1. acko


      Thank you for all the kind words... I'm glad you still visit here... You are positivity personified.. Huggzz and YOU ARE IN MY HOUSE! 

  7. Bitch I visit your profile twice a week MINIMUM to enlarge that Prince pic. :chuckle: Hope you're staying well xo

    1. acko


      Well I have dual citizenship...so I got time to find the right place. :fag:

      Romance is important..u just scored points there.
      Only real men use that word. That's me trying to say something Prince would say. :chuckle:

      So has covid fucked up the romance part or is it just complicated because....? I kinda sense ur a catch, so I wouldn't worry if I were u.

    2. (See 3 other replies to this status update)

  8. Bitch I visit your profile twice a week MINIMUM to enlarge that Prince pic. :chuckle: Hope you're staying well xo

    1. acko


      Is it because u wanna catch a glimpse of a nipple or because u admire a good blow dry job? I'm well, I guess...so over this confinement shit...but the barber shops are opening again today...so im'a try and get in. What about you? U hanging in there? Hugzzzz

    2. (See 3 other replies to this status update)

  9. acko

    acko    GOD

    BTW it took me like decades to figure out who u were. CUNT.

    1. acko


      Damn right...u been hanging with out these other cheap hoes


    2. (See 4 other replies to this status update)

  10. acko

    acko    GOD

    BTW it took me like decades to figure out who u were. CUNT.

    1. acko


      I don't like bitches who change their name. :fag:

    2. (See 4 other replies to this status update)

  11. peter

    peter    acko

    A rare sighting of the elusive @acko😍 Gorgeous. 


  12. YAY 50 #1's, you should tell Billboard 2 do an in depth story
    on dance records in general.

  13. "But wow, what a moment, I will never forget." :fag:

    1. acko


      I like the one with John Norris where she tells him 'The Clubs Are Happening' :rotfl:

    2. (See 5 other replies to this status update)

  14. "But wow, what a moment, I will never forget." :fag:

  15. "But wow, what a moment, I will never forget." :fag:

    1. acko


      😄 But I'm just not up 2 speed...Whitney is going Viral? 

    2. (See 5 other replies to this status update)

  16. It's been a minute, just wanted to say hey. Hope you're well!


    1. acko


      hahaha thanx 4 the well wishes. I feel that a lot of 'journalists/media people' are thrown by the general perception of her in our culture. That makes them second guess and/or downplay any original or positive thought they may have about her. I'm telling you this is why she is very relevant. She should b taught in sociology classes, not media or communication. For the record: I've stolen magazines before :D

    2. (See 5 other replies to this status update)

  17. It's been a minute, just wanted to say hey. Hope you're well!


    1. acko


      I'm going 2 Paris, as it's my 40th b'day that weekend. :-) Can you believe I actually fantasized about seeing her in Paris, even before there was talk of a tour...cuz I wanted 2 do something big, I can't believe it! My dream came true.

      I feel so lucky about that, anyway, still holding out til Saturday. I'm very excited. I actually think (press)reviewers r holding back on their exitement.

    2. (See 5 other replies to this status update)

  18. It's been a minute, just wanted to say hey. Hope you're well!


    1. acko


      Bitch I'm holding out till SATURDAY. That's Right SATURDAY. My BF is forbidding me to listen 2 the album without him :D So I gotta wait, like extra...r u doing the Madame X is star of the theatre tour, hussy?

    2. (See 5 other replies to this status update)

  19. spazz

    spazz    acko

    what do u think of my Prince's 7 avatar? 😁 i downloaded all his music videos from youtube before they remove them and created this avatar

    1. acko


      It looks wonderful! I noticed it yesterday :D

      His videos are shit though :lol:

    2. (See 1 other reply to this status update)

  20. spazz

    spazz    acko

    hey acko

    I miss talking with you

    what are you favorite Prince songs?

    1. Gold
    2. Pussy Control
    3. Kiss
    4. Sexy dancer
    5. Sign O Times
    6. I wish U heaven
    1. acko


      Ooooh that's difficult, it depends on my mood

      I love the fact that u love #4 and #2 on your list, but I guess Little Red Corvette is up there...

      I also love love Dirty Mind & Parade (albums)

      Crystal Ball the song....

      Sometimes it Snow in April

      The list goes on and on really...

    2. (See 1 other reply to this status update)

  21. acko

    acko    Nikki

    Morgen Humo kopen, dan kunt ge u opjagen :-) Interview met Lucy O Brien, door Katia Vlerick. Maar de insteek is nogal tabloidachtig. Met vragen als 'Heeft madonna ooit met een man geslapen om hogerop te geraken?'  (alsof die Lucy erbij was) Grote klasse dus, daar staan we dan na anderhalf jaar #hastags. En ook Lucy heeft niet eens iets negatief te zeggen. Is da nu zo moeilijk om eens keer te zeggen 'Madonna is de meest invloedrijke vrouwelijke popmuzikante ooit'. Die zever altijd. Oh en wat een lelijk cover weer voor de NL update van Like An Icon.

    1. acko


      Ja Lucy is eigenlijk 'altijd positief', maar de vragen zijn precies vertimmerd, ik voel ergens de hand van Serge, vooral dat stuk over JML doet me twijfelen...het gaat te expliciet over Ingrid Chavez (een Prince Protégé), ik denk zelfs dat Lucy daar niet eens (echt) over heeft verteld, het is typisch Serge...want vijf zinnen lang lijkt het alsof Madonna de song heeft gepikt om dan uiteindelijk te zeggen dat het Lenny Kravitz was, en het ook haar beste nummer noemen omdat Lenny het geschreven heeft etc... echt Serge. Want Katia shreef altijd over haar als een echte artieste. Maar ik zal het in de week eens vragen als ik een Humo-collega tegenkom. Gaga is al lang verdampt imo.

    2. (See 2 other replies to this status update)

  22. Nikki

    Nikki    acko

    madonna heeft 1 week in aalbeke gezeten, volgens dikke delvaux http://www.radio1.be/programmas/allez-allez/de-dikke-delvaux-aflevering-252-chocolates

    1. acko


      Is een 'stadslegende'...lees het artikel van de Humo ivm met Frozen plagiaat.

    2. (See 2 other replies to this status update)

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