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Posts posted by JR!

  1. 1 hour ago, MadFan said:

    Some of the things he has said:

    "I am in favor of torture you know that. This country will only change with civil war, killing thousands. If some innocents die, that's OK, it happens."

    "I have 5 children, 4 boys, then in the last one, I weakened so I had a girl."

    "Minorities have to bow down to the majority. Minorities should adequate themselves or simply disappear."

    "Being gay is result of lack of beating."

    "Women shouldn't have the same salary because they get pregnant."

    Telling a congresswoman she "doesn't deserve to be raped by him."

    "My son wouldn't date a black woman, he was well educated."

    "Pinochet did what had to be done."

    This is awful! Populist are ruling the world!

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