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Posts posted by MadFan

  1. Lawd. So disappointing that the lesson this country learned from the Holocaust was, support Israel at all costs because of its relation with Jewish people, and not the real lesson which is that the subjugation and oppression of any people must be fought against.

  2. The Jewish people of WWII have infinitely more in common with Palestinians today than war-aiding Zionists. And I can only imagine that, had they lived, they would be disgusted to see what's taking place. And it's barbaric when I see people bringing them up as some kind of get out of jail free card for Israel to do whatever it wants now. Truly outrageous.

  3. Absolutely heartbreaking. When was the last time we saw such a massive scale loss of human potential and freedom and life unfold on live TV... a million people just waiting to find out if they'll make it to tomorrow. It makes the experience of living in the absolute safety of the West feel so absurd and unreal, and somehow obscene.

  4. 2 minutes ago, debord said:

    I think it's important to acknowledge that the claim went from '40 decapitated babies' to 'they killed babies'.  And given we had that former story going all over the world within hours, then journalist after journalist saying they hadn't seen it and couldn't verify, then the IDF saying they couldn't verify, then the IDF saying they wouldn't verify out of respect, then some horrific photos which don't show what was claimed...you can understand the response.

    There is no doubt that children will have been killed in the Hamas attack. Many, many more children are being killed in Gaza as we speak. What ultimately matters is that the occupation ends and the cycle of violence is broken.

    Completely agreed. Ultimately loss of life is what matters and the burned/beheaded claims are being used to manufacture consent and exploit the stereotype of Middle Eastern people as barbaric and primal... it's sad, predictable, and of course doesn't take away from the fact that those actions are indeed barbaric and primal (and equally so when babies in Gaza are killed).

  5. On 10/10/2023 at 1:27 PM, debord said:

    The decapitated babies story came from a single source, which is discredited. The IDF has even said it has no evidence of it. Suggesting it's true because Hamas killed people is absolutely ridiculous.

    There's been an update since this post, with Israel's government posting photos of burned and beheaded babies (purportedly by Hamas) about 4 hours ago. Of course it's political machination at work but it feels important to update since this has taken over so much of the discourse.


  6. 3 minutes ago, debord said:

    Nah, from apartheid and occupation. Which will also free Israelis.

    I keep seeing these buzz words thrown around this extremely complicated issue (Israel bad, Palestine good!) and it's beyond tedious at this point. This is a perspective which ignores thousands of years of history throughout the region and the nature of wars. The Assyrians, Egyptians, Babylonians, Persians, Macedonians, Romans, Byzantines, Arabs, Turks, Ottomans, and others have been up and down that area.

    Litigating lineage and historical claims is how they will stay in a perpetual conflict. What’s most important is the here and now. Now that Jews and Palestinians share the land, which is the best path forward? That’s what everyone should be focused on and putting their energy toward solving.

    The best analogy I can think of is what would happen if the US tried to deport all 11 million illegal immigrants? Even Republican president Reagan couldn’t see a way through it, so he ended up giving amnesty.

    Granting that the Jews are strangers to the land (and that’s a huge grant), then they would have arrived in British Palestine in considerable numbers as refugees, following their expulsion from Europe via pogroms and the Holocaust. Generations later, nearly all of them were born there - ergo, it's their home. So how exactly do you “undo” that?

  7. 1 hour ago, San said:

    It may seem simplistic to you to put people down at those depths without being crushed to death and to be able to communicate, but it just isn't. Countering hydrostatic pressure is unfathomably complex and any microscopic defect in the pressure seal of a vessel would be catastrophic. You laugh about windows, but it would be an absolutely game-changing technological feat to be able to accomplish our idea of a tourist vessel that can view the depths of the ocean. The xbox controller for purposes other than gaming is not new or unique to this vessel - it is quite versatile and useful.

    I really hope they can find them. What an unimaginable horror to die this way.

    Jokes aside about the Xbox controller and windows (which I understand would be a huge feat given the need for titanium), this vessel was not fit for purpose, and was criticized from within OceanGate and by the wider marine regulatory body, and these concerns were all ignored. Yes I hope they are found and I feel most sorry for the poor 19 year old boy whose father brought him on this death trap.

    "The separate warning that OceanGate received that same year came from 38 experts in the submersible craft industry; all of them were members of the Manned Underwater Vehicles committee of the Marine Technology Society, a 60-year-old industry group that promotes, studies and teaches the public about ocean technology. The experts wrote in their letter to Mr. Rush that they had “unanimous concern” about the way the Titan had been developed, and about the planned missions to the Titanic wreckage.

    The letter said that OceanGate’s marketing of the Titan had been “at minimum, misleading” because it claimed that the submersible would meet or exceed the safety standards of a risk assessment company known as DNV, even though the company had no plans to have the craft formally certified by the agency.

    “Their plan of not following classification guidelines was considered very risky,” Will Kohnen, the chairman of the committee, said in an interview on Tuesday.

    The industry leaders said in their letter that OceanGate should, at minimum, test its prototypes under the watch of DNV or another leading certification company.

    “While this may demand additional time and expense,” the signatories wrote, “it is our unanimous view that this validation process by a third-party is a critical component in the safeguards that protect all submersible occupants.”

  8. Kim was right that moving to the UK was very much a mistake at the minute - I lasted two months and now at Gatwick Airport running for my life. :lmao:

    This is brilliant though - people around the world are just done with platitudes from politicians. Which is why these sorts of interactions are becoming fewer and fewer, and why that Truss has gone into hiding.




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