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Posts posted by XXL

  1. 51 minutes ago, Butter9 said:

    It was so confusing . When the virus was spreading in UK my friend could still go to the dentist ( and he bloody well went ! ) .

    Football matches were still being held . I knew that because I'd bought tickets for my customers to go watch one of the matches and couldn't get

    a refund because the organiser insisted that the match was still going to happen


    Everything that wasn't even minimally considered in Italy or Spain and France too if I'm not mistaken. It's just crazy. Either you impose a lockdown in its actual implications or you don't at all. It's useless to have a mild if not blatantly false one.

    Or having in place a system made of rules for the powerful and another one for "the commoners", yet they would never have the temerity of saying they drove 40 miles to a beauty spot or historical site to check on their eyesight and telling it to tens of millions at home and overseas, certainly not with Cummings almost straight face, despite the stuttering

    And still be shamelessly backed by your "employer", though one may argue that the UK government is an employee of Mr Cummings and not the other way around

  2. They told us not to worry. We must wash our hands while singing Happy Birthday, but apart from that, it should be “business as usual”. Shaking hands – even with people in hospitals treating virus patients – was just fine.

    But, just in case, they appealed for ventilators (having ‘missed the email’ about joining a European procurement programme. Maybe, post-Brexit, anything from the EU goes to spam).




  3. 2 hours ago, Kim said:


    Brilliant article

    Thanks for posting this

    Witty and full of sarcasm

    Yet so potently true in every word

    It's such a shame really


    I used to admire the country so much. And I still have friends there. Spent a couple of years in London in my early 20s. Cannot believe that in the span of a few years things are precipitating in this speedy and absurd fashion

  4. What a fucking hypocrite


    Now UK Home Secretary Priti Patel is urging Londoners not to protest about George Floyd's murder because she's worried about Coronavirus  :rolleyes:

    I just fucking can't. What about the whole Dominic Cummings pathetic affair with related embarrassing interview that the rules forbid anyway?

    What about taking measures three months late compared to any other European country? What about the farce lockdown and the list goes on and on

    She really gets on my nerves and her nastiness and utter hypocrisy is beyond palpable. Are they afraid that if Trump wins again (heaven forbid) the UK protests might damage the possibility of British politicians of striking a deal with the US having turned their contemptuous backs to mainland Europe?

    These people are so pathetic. The damage over the health emergency alone they have caused is a sufficient call for a revolt. Yet they are still talking about Brexit as if it were a successful process already sorted for the country

  5. On 6/4/2020 at 10:38 AM, Butter9 said:

    Yeah ! Spain and Italy had like one of the toughest lockdowns I think . Am  a bit confused at UK. Did they have a proper lockdown or not ? Two of my friends there had completely different experiences during UK lockdown. One stayed in her house with family for months and the other one was taking his dog for walks daily and was chatting to other dog walkers .

    Confusing message from PM perhaps  ?










    ^^^  from the original one

    A total nonsense and downgrade move

    A real scam

    They must think people are stupid





    Stay fucking home or you get fined except for groceries and chemist trips. It was that simple in Italy and Spain. Parks and dubious government approved eyesight tests are off limits and OBVIOUSLY out of the question if a lockdown needs to have a meaning and efficacy to begin with, especially when you're forcing it onto an entire country population

    Yet the British political class have this persistent holier than thou attitude towards countries like Italy, Spain, Portugal and IMF ravaged Greece all the damn time

  6. 9 hours ago, Raider of the lost Ark said:

    And pentecostal background? Why am I not suprised? Hypocrites of the worst kind. 


    I have an evangelical in the family. Actually Catholic raised, turned atheist, turned evangelical or Born Again Christian (wouldn't know the difference) when she turned 40 to be exact. She's been a total cunt to me. I'll never forgive her

    Her grown up kids hardly talk to her anymore. Such is her level of self righteousness and indoctrination

    She told me that "people like you belong in Hell"  🙈🤡:electropop:  That was her final greeting years ago after she spent a week at my house being served and revered and trotted around town by the entire family. I was just speechless

    I mean, who fucking told you Heaven or Hell exist to begin with? What do you actually know about life after death? And even if that religious imagery does exist with all the implications, who fucking made you Judge of anyone???

    And she's a Biology professor! So she's studied and travelled a fair bit. Sometimes understanding human nature and its bizarre motives can be such a nightmare.

    It really came out the blue as she was never aggressive or offensive to me personally and in any case, as a goodbye message? She was never invited again

    Maybe she'll join the place she deserves to reach soon, unless she's already there mentally and emotionally, whether it's called Hell or anything else, whether it's here and now or AFTER  IT

  7. 46 minutes ago, Jazzy Jan said:

    Yes.only have to see a lot of the news reports from the USA to know that it has a pretty different culture to other Western countries in some things. I don’t know of any other country that has a passionate and powerful gun lobby for example. The power the NRA have is mind blowing. Or any other democracy that has lots of people consider basic Universal health care as frightening and radical. 

    i know this is not the view of all Americans of course but so many in power support those views. 


    Thank you for getting what I meant. Saying it's a general cultural issue and that Trump gone the root problems remain it's not in any way tantamount to diminishing the toxicity, recklessness and unaccountability of him as a public figure and head of the most powerful nation on earth.

    He obviously preys on those very mechanisms and the ignorance of part of the population that have been endemic and shamelessly undealt with for ages

    But we can all agree that (and yes, corrupt policemen, corrupt politicians, corrupt entrepreneurs, racist people and lobbying self serving bastards exist anywhere in the world) if any police member here in Europe or in other democratic countries in the South Emisphere would be so frequently caught cold blooded killing an unarmed person in broad daylight based on racism or a hate crime in general either with no substantial reason or even WITH a self defense reason (unless carefully probed and proven to be real) they would be immediately suspended and charged with first degree murder and there would be such a public outcry unlike any other, but not after decades and decades of history repeating itself, like, immediately

    Same thing with the importance of having a public healthcare system (and we do have a private one too by the way, freedom to choose thank you)

    It looks like in the US you're only valued based on your income bracket therefore you're essentially stuck with a non choice. Preposterous

    Ditto with the education system, the justice system, there's nothing democratic or realistic about them to begin with.

    Money is almost always going to get you off the hook in the US. Might as well be the same in Europe too, but it's infinitely less the rule

  8. 5 hours ago, Jazzy Jan said:

    Totally. Trump is an ignorant revolting racist Buffon but there is always a sick method to his madness. Same with how Boris Johnson knows that never answering questions and deflecting by amping up the stupid act to the maximum helps him. I watched the UK election campaign and stupidly thought that hardly anyone would vote for him ( he did not even debate or give policies  ) yet he romped home.  To think someone who is a proven liar time and time again who also come across as a complete fool can romp home is depressing. 

    I have noticed that Trump lovers I know here in Australia all have either some of these traits or all of them. Very religious. Conspiracy theorists. Shockingly racist and sexist. Either all traits Or just one of them. They all love him. No matter what he does. 

    Trump is racist and sexist so that is easy and natural for him to sell.  The religious angle is put on and he also plays up to every conspiracy theory. He used to be pro abortion but now wants it made illegal and I suspect his passion for no gun control is because he has the NRA and their believers on his side. Shows that he is a complete sociopath because  he just sprouts what he knows will give him popularly and power.  No worries about ethics, morals or fairness. It is terrifying and many people don’t even see how terrifying it is.


    I totally agree on what you are saying

    But America has a more generalised cultural issue that's fucked up not just the number one country in the world but the world itself by default. This is totally unacceptable

    Those hypocritical (Evangelical/Pentecostal/ insert whichever Christian denominations you can come up with) nutters were still very much present and active with their endorsement of wars, of the NRA and their utterly fascist and hypocritical abortion campaigns even during Carter, Clinton and Obama's times.

    Nobody has ever dared to stop them or diminish their influence and meddling because its the entire basement of the power castle to have been eroded by corruption and the serving of private interests.

    Just look at how US presidential campaigns work in terms of funding. An entirely corrupt system which is the exact opposite of the ideals of freedom of speech, democracy and the myth of the land of opportunities. Completely wrong. 

    You can have a Democrat in the WH but here there's a much bigger issue at stake. If nobody does anything to stop those people cultish ignorance, as it's been proven times and again, any American President of any political colours and their policies are inevitably going to be held hostage of the usual indecent lobbies

    Trump is the problem now of course but America as a whole is trapped in a sense of arrogance and exceptionalism in general which is beyond unjustified, deplorable and that will ultimately lead the healthy and sane part of 330m people to the brink of collapse, culturally, economically and finally on the political front and its international standing

  9. 10 hours ago, Kim said:

    He was 100% galvanizing his crazy evangelical fanbase.

    “My whole family was flabbergasted,” said Benjamin Horbowy, 37.

    The Horbowys had gathered in Tallahassee, Florida, to watch live as Trump walked from the White House to St John’s. “My mother just shouted out, ‘God give him strength! He’s doing a Jericho walk!’” A Jericho walk, in some evangelical circles, refers to the biblical book of Joshua, where God commanded the Israelites to walk seven times around the opposing city of Jericho, whose walls then came crashing down.

    Horbowy already supported Trump politically  – but when Trump lifted the Bible, Horbowy and his family felt overcome spiritually.

    “My mother started crying. She comes from Pentecostal background, and she started speaking in tongues  I haven’t heard her speak in tongues in years,” he said. “I thought, look at my president! He’s establishing the Lord’s kingdom in the world.”

    Did he feel that conflicted with the Gospel of John, where Jesus said “my kingdom is not of this world”?

    “Well,” Horbowy said, “that’s a philosophical question.”

    People once concerned with piety, now crave “an exercise in pure political power”, and the Bible is no longer a spiritual weapon but an earthly one.

    When Trump describes himself as a “law and order” president and holds aloft a Bible, he conflates which law he will enforce, and whose order will follow. In a short speech before the walk to St John’s, Trump said he would “dominate the streets”. That is the “kingdom in the world” Horbowy referenced.

    “I believe it’s like Ephesians 6:10 through 19,” Horbowy said from Florida. “I believe this is a president who wears the full armor of God.”






    Fucking scary !!!

    Yet hilarious at the delusion  :lmao:

    Sheer madness in the worst case scenarios

    And this is the country leading the world






    As American citizen Madonna Louise Ciccone of Italian and French Canadian descent said some thirty years ago: you know what I have to say to America? Get a fucking sense of humour OK?? 


    So damn right and as usual ahead of her time. All that fixation on beauty pageants, mean girls high schools, the obsession with GOD and Rifles, the overly patriotic sensibility and that very same toxic culture of false exceptionalism that you ascribed to the UK as well with their handling of the global health emergency

    Say what you want about OLD Europe but Europe as a whole has always been vastly more modern and respectful than the abhorrent contradictions you can find in the NEW world

  10. 16 hours ago, Madonna_Tea said:

    Look I totally agree with you but there's an entire voting bloc that eat that up. 

    I mean, this fact is kind of ignored - We have had a black POTUS, we are open to having a woman POTUS (and by no way am I saying sexism doesn't exist) but every candidate for POTUS that has a chance of winning is expected to be a church going Christian. Trump isn't of course but he pretends to be and the reason he pretends to be is because it's required for a POTUS which to me is kind of insane right? A candidate for POTUS saying they don't believe in god is disqualifying - which is insane.   



    I think what's ruined and keeps ruining the country that's been the greatest and bigger exporter of Pop culture in the world, the country where civil rights movements were actually born, from racism to sexuality to gender issues, the country with some of the most prestigious universities in the world and the number one economy ... is exactly this crazy prolonged cancer of Christian denominations dominating politics when politics should not favour any particular group of power but should be at the service of its entire citizenry

    And you know that those obnoxious "Christian" nutters are also the ones who are anti-abortion yet have no qualms about bombing innocent people, children included, because some falsified CIA report lies about weapons of mass destruction and an entire country ventures into a self serving war disguised as liberation and generosity, with no UN resolution in sight (like a proper global dictator would) to top it all off

    Obviously it's the uneducated US youngsters from humble backgrounds being sent to war and sacrificed on the altar of violence, not the offspring of American senators or mega rich American citizens anyway

    As you've said Trump knows it and takes advantage of that too shamelessly

  11. I can't at him parading around while holding a Bible. What does it even mean. It's 2020 for fuck sake

    You'd think that a book about somebody who was unjustly nailed to a cross was not going to be used to justify violence by people who should represent an entire country and that wield so much power

    He really does give a powerful voice to the worst of the US, religious nut jobs, NRA supporters, white supremacists, xenophobic people so on and so forth

    If after the handling of the 👑 virus and this latest racial attack and the fury and uproar it's causing worldwide he still gets voted in then I might even have lost all faith in not only US citizenry but humanity at large

  12. 17 hours ago, karbatal said:


    It's been hard but we made it!!!!



    Now all Brits coming into Spain should be quarantined and not the other way around as the demented Johnson cabinet's logic seems to suggest.

    Only countries with similar COVID related  numbers should be welcomed.

    Obviously I'm exaggerating but the truth is when you think about some of the appalling decisions and the ridicule they expose themselves to you just gotta laugh.

    It's like the current crop of crap UK politicians (bar Nicola Sturgeon) live in Alice's Wonderland or something. Pre emergency, during the emergency and right after it, assuming they've even reached the AFTER part yet

  13. I'm horrified and disgusted that we've clearly had a system, for decades, where members of Royal families, members of the army, police forces, journalists, TV presenters, intellectuals, artists so on and so forth collude to cover up their shared passion for child abuse, rape and ultimately murder

    I hope everything that remains to be revealed will be put out there or surface in full force soon enough

    Persistent racism and power circles covering each other up on the most hineous of crimes are worse than the sick economy they have built to make inequality and exploitation of the masses the rule

    Jimmy Savile was just the tip of a huge iceberg

  14. 18 hours ago, Kim said:

    So I see England are now telling their "shielded" population  (those most at risk of infection) that they can go out and about from tomorrow.

    Am I missing something? has a vaccine been found?




    They just have a fervid imagination

    And basically they only care about the short term


    They don't even have a plan to begin with

  15. 19 hours ago, Kim said:

    The Labour party was split and shambolic, Corbyn as a communicator was useless and the media ramped up the antisemitism and "communist" stuff to ridiculous levels, especially the oligarchs that own the print media who were terrified of a Corbyn labour govt.

    Also, never forget that England is traditionally a Tory country; Labour govts are a blib and as they never affect any real change, are always temporary.


    I see

    I get the argument that he was a bad communicator but I thought the anti-Semitic propaganda fuelled by the media was in fact a demonisation process to boost up Tories chances. The power of the press indeed

    Also, I never knew England in particular is a traditionally Tory country. Good to know  👍

    Come to think of it, judging by Tony Blair's policies you could argue that Tories were actually running the country 1997-2010  :laugh: just the same

  16. 19 hours ago, Kim said:

    Effective targeting of specific social groups (traditional Labour voters) by the same shady 'vote leave' cabal (Cummings et al) 

    Exactly how the people of deprived English towns and cities still suffering from a decade of austerity were fooled into thinking Bozo and chums gave a shit about them is anyone's guess


    And the funny thing is that that whole austerity game came from the Tory party in the first place. Although left parties in Europe, Italy included, played the same nasty game based on basic falsehood.

    And then people were surprised at public health services being unable to face the COVID emergency properly, after a decade of relentless cuts. Same for the education sector. Those are areas no government should ever make cuts on

    I cannot bear to listen to David Cameron saying he was never pro Brexit and that he didn't think that the British public, albeit by a 2% margin, would vote leave.

    Meanwhile he got those publishing deals and can live off his previous and more recent wealth for the rest of his days. Such a delicate issue should never have been put to the public to begin with

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