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Posts posted by blackmamba109

  1. The album is very experimental. Will be alienating for some in the same way I think American Life was. But it is strikingly brilliant in its detour from traditional pop song structure. 

    My only complaint is the auto tune on almost every track. However, I’m sure it will grow on me.

    Killers Who Are Partying and I Don’t Search I Find are stand outs for me 

  2. 6 minutes ago, Nikki said:

    Love hearing this!

    aaron_b_u  about Killers:

    VERY different from what I expected. Based on reviews and video rumors I thought it would be an upbeat dance song. Instead, it's a slow CREEPY folksy song. Very eerie. Haunting. European. It gets a beat in the final 1.5 minutes. It sounds like a "Music" song? The lyrics are always repeating "I will be X if X is Y"

    I will be gay if the gay are burned

    I will be Islam if Islam is hated

    I will be a woman if she's raped and her heart is breaking

    I'll be a child if the children are exploited

    I know what I am and I know what I'm not

    Then the chorus is in... Portugese? I think

    After the chorus we hear twisted circus horns going up and down with some digital manipulation like on Music tracks (Impressive Instant)

    It's a very haunting, powerful, slow song. Atmosphere and mood AF

    I’m so excited for this song!!!!!

  3. one thing I love about M is that each album is a timecapsule in itself... this is very reflective of the current landscape in music. It's current, it's relevant. Many other legacy artists stick to their bread and butter.... M is constantly changing and reinventing.... that's why I love her so much. 

    She doesn't like to repeat herself... and has repeatedly said that. So those that are acting surprised at how "different" it sounds... shouldn't be surprised. 

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