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Everything posted by Cyber-Raga

  1. Germany is a sovereign state and can do as they please, yes including inviting and uninviting whomever they want. If the German people disagree with their government's actions and decisions they have there right to protest or elect somebody else at the next elections. I don't see any democracy dying here.
  2. One party tried to overturn the results of a free election and is actively taking away rights of people of color, women and the LGBTQ+ community. The other party believes that the incumbent should run for a second term which is not sexy like sending a newcomer into the race. But sure, let’s create false equivalencies and do “what-about-isms”.
  3. Biden’s state of the union speech was good though. Very powerful and on point. It is not inevitable that the orange dictator is going to win the general election.
  4. https://www.cnbc.com/amp/2024/02/16/trump-fraud-trial-judge-engoron-verdict-ny-ag-business-case.html
  5. RIP. I can’t possibly begin to imagine the pain and suffering he endured in that prison. He knew what was coming and yet voluntarily went back to Russia which indeed ended up being his death sentence.
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